Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Weekly Scribblings extended - Eating Free and A free Ball Game


Journaling (with amplified narratives) -- Take Me Out to the Ball Game 

7/22/2021 ~~ Free Meal at Perry's Steakhouse & Grille ~~  Got invited to a Skeeter's baseball game 

    (Amplification)  Today is the day I went for my four course lunch, for free at my favorite steakhouse, Perry's Steakhouse and Grille.  It is on the Houston Top 12 Steakhouse List (link).  Mrs. Jim and I are being courted by several 55+ senior living facilities.  This one was being hosted by XYX. 
    There were five other prospects there today, Mrs. Jim couldn't come as her bridge group was playing today. 

    My meal began with crab bisque, followed by a delicious salad.  My entrĂ©e was a rack of pork chops, the group of bones were standing tall, like soldiers ready for inspection.  Delicious, I ate them all. 

    And after desert, I had a delicious no flour and frosted chocolate cake, Mrs. Jim and I were invited to a baseball game down at Sugarland.

9/7/2021 ~~ Baseball Game night ~~ Granddaughter's performance first. 

    (Amplification)  This was the day for ball games.  First was our granddaughter's junior high first football game this year.  And her first for a public performance as a cheerleader.  She performed to perfection, entering with a backwards somersault in the air without touching the ground.  Scary for us who love her sooo very much. 

9/7/2021 ~~  The baseball game ~~ We ate well 

    (Amplified)  We left the football game a bit before it was over.  Google had told us it was a 45 minute drive to Sugarland.   It would have been but I got sort of lost before we got there . 
    My driving went bonkers today, I overshot the turnoff to the stadium and ended up on the south side of Highway 59.  So we pulled into a Quick Stop and asked for directions.   That was a waste they didn't know their surroundings there, I think they had just arrived from another country.  To save the day, I had Mrs. Jim ask how we could get to Texas Highway 6. 
    When we reached the Hwy 6 exit there was a sign, Constellation Field to turn left.  Eighteen Dollars$ for parking!!!  Whoo, Whoo.  I remember when parking at the Astrodome was only 5$.  And to boot, only credit cards were accepted. 

    When we picked up our tickets at the Will Call window, they didn't ask for I.D, only their comment was "I doubt their is another last name like that!"  Before we reached the ticket taker we were approached by Mrs. W. who was glad to see us come.  I apologized for being late, she forgave, and mentioned how so very few of the 300 had showed. 

    After saying hellos to the other two ladies we knew and being introduced to two other XYZ employees we were escorted to the second floor box reserved for our group.  There we were shown the make-it-yourself ingredients for hot dogs, hamburgers, and cheeseburgers.   I had a nice loaded hot dog, Mrs. Jim had a plain hamburger with onions and mustard and no bread.  Also beans, slaw, and Mac and Cheese.  Later we had a frosted brownie cake and a Diet Coke. 

    We chose to sit outside to eat and watch the ballgame now at the second inning.  There was no score, zero to zero.  Our team, the Sugarland Skeeters, had a home run in the 4th inning to match the earlier run my the opponent, the Los Vegas Aviators.  No more scores until in overtime, our Skeeters had a walk with the bases loaded to win by one to two.  

    The ride home was uneventful and we were in bed before midnight.  Our daughter traces Mrs. Jim's cell phone and this morning called to see what time we had come in. 
    All in all it was a fun, fun evening.
 _ _ _ _ 

 - Poem and Photo Copyright, Jimmiehov 2021, All Rights Reserved 
 - This is the whole story of the exert and amplification of our one evening activity posted for The Weekly Scribblings, I've posted that  at . but this complete story has about 640 words and a few corrections needed.

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